Sunday, November 14, 2010

New goodies at Costco

It's baaaack! (at least for a short time) I spotted the Kirkland Organic P.B. in the Neihu Costco yesterday.

Chocolate crepes are now available.

And these cookies look so yummy...perfect for the holidays.

I also noticed that the Starbucks Winter Blend is back.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Rare goodies at the Miramar Gourmet Wellcome

Yum... Chive and Onion Cream Cheese.

The Pepperidge Farms Goldfish Grahams are so yummy...much better than I thought they would be.

New goodies at Costco

These mochas are overpriced, so they're not a deal at all..but I'm sure they taste yummy!

String cheese is back!

And I also noticed Diet Green Tea with Citrus...I think this is fairly new, too.